A visit to your washrooms can determine whether people ever return and will build (or damage) your credibility and the people’s perception about hygiene, and health.
Taking care of your washroom facilities needs to be done correctly and there are a few areas that are often overlooked. By staying on top of the daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance, you will not only be compliant with regulations but prolong the life of your washroom and its facilities.
Checklists are used for several purposes and a toilet checklist is a commonly used type of checklist around the world. It is a handy tool to clean toilets, especially for residential and commercial buildings. You can make one yourself within minutes. When you have a detailed washroom checklist, you will feel handier to get your cleaning chores done efficiently.
Cleaning Schedule
Regular cleaning is the most obvious step in your washroom maintenance and a set procedure should be put in place that is easy to follow by anyone undertaking the work. Washrooms should be checked for visible mess and problems several times a day. Cleaning should be broken down into areas and include flush handles, doorknobs, taps, and windows as well as the floor, toilets, sinks, and urinals. Keeping all your fittings clean helps to prevent unnecessary corrosion damage and also enables you to spot little problems before they become big ones.
Below is an example of the list of criteria for checking your washrooms when visiting for compliance.
1. General Washroom
Are the washroom’s door and handle clean and in good repair?
The washroom is free of any unpleasant odor?
Is the garbage not overflowing?
Is the washroom free of graffiti?
2. Sink Ares
Is the sink clean?
The paper towel dispenser is at least half full?
The soap dispenser is at least half full?
3. Toilets
Is the toilet paper available in the dispenser next to the toilet?
The toilet seat is clean?
Is the toilet bowl free of stains?
There is a bin next to the toilet to dispose of non-flushable materials?
4. Urinals
Are the urinals free of stains?
The urinals are free of debris?
Is there a deodorizing “puck” in each urinal?
5. Infant Change Table Area
Is the infant change table free of stains and cracks?
Are liners available in the dispenser next to the changing table?
Legionella Checks
Legionella is a bacteria that causes legionellosis disease, as well as the similar but less serious condition of Pontiac fever and Lochgoilhead fever. You should implement thorough Legionella checks in your washrooms. These checks are fundamental to the hygiene of your facilities and help to prevent outbreaks. Most of these checks are straightforward to carry out, however, all can be outsourced to a specialist firm if necessary.
Sanitary Bins
Sanitary waste bins need to be handled correctly and routinely. This involves them being regularly emptied and cleaned. This is a service commonly outsourced and one that is easy to stay on top of because it needs to be handled, transported and disposed of properly and procedures need to be put in place at every step.
You never want to be caught short when it comes to washroom supplies, particularly in a school environment, so make sure you have adequate stock of washroom consumables like liquid hand soap, paper towels, toilet paper, and urinal cakes is of high importance. However, don’t overlook the actual cleaning products needed on a day-to-day basis, as these are of equal importance.
Monitoring Wear and Tear
Over time washrooms will show signs of wear and tear. It is important to keep on top of it and nip these things in the bud. Checking that no seals are coming loose and that grout is not coming away are also areas to pay attention to, as well as accidental damage and vandalism. General maintenance and replacing fittings where necessary not only prolong the life of your washroom but also instill high standards.